Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things I don't need to be thinking about right now...

So I'm sitting in the library next to the hubby tonight, I'm supposed to be working on my paper about Brokeback Mountain (it's at 7 pages, and it only needs to be 12, so I'm not terribly concerned that it's due at 4:00 tomorrow), and all of a sudden, it must have seemed to him, I poke him in the arm and start whispering :

"Honey, can I ask you a question? Can we get married next summer?"

To which he replies, "Do you need to ask me that while I'm studying for my Family law exam?"

I can understand his point (yes, I'm random when I'm purposefully trying not to do work), but I still think it's a valid question. What better to think about when I'm happily procrastinating on the second last day of term than getting married? It's all Facebook's fault, really. People look at my profile, they see that I'm engaged, and the question automatically comes- "So, when's the wedding?" To which I generally reply "I have no idea; let me earn enough money that I don't have to eat Kraft Dinner three days a week and I'll let you know." But I just found out that another friend got engaged last week and is getting married next May. Man! I got engaged first, but it looks like I'm getting married last. Good thing I'm not competitive.

As much as I might actually like to know when I'm getting married (and in case you haven't noticed already, the hubby and I aren't exactly of the "must get married exactly one year after the date of the proposal" kind of people. We've been engaged for going on two years now, and so we're more of the "eh, whenever it happens, really. We're flexible" type) I really have very little patience for the whole concept of a wedding. I can think of WAY better things I could spend $10 000 on--um, hello, super fantastic vacation? waterfront condo? My idea of the perfect wedding would be getting married on a random beach somewhere, or maybe in my aunt's backyard, and then just having a big barbecue. I'm not the fluffy white dress and frou-frou kinda girl, you know?

But back to the original topic of this post, which got lost somewhere along the way in my Captain Crunch induced sugar haze, we still haven't set a date. But when we do, I'll let you know and you can start packing the bug spray and flip flops. Our wedding might not be conventional, but damn, it's going to be fun.


Anonymous said...

Hm. Outdoor weddings I do, but beach weddings not so much. Sand, salt and 100 year old wood instruments -- not the best combination. Sounds like you'll be planning a fun party, though.

Melissa Dalgleish said...

I'll keep that in mind. :) Do you do backyards in Peterborough? My aunt and her partner live outside of the city in this great house with an amazing backyard, and as my aunt's partner is going to be our officiant anyway, their place is my first choice.

Anonymous said...

We do backyards pretty much anywhere in Ontario, although outside of the city we do charge a travelling fee to cover the extra costs. (Gotta love the union.)

Melissa Dalgleish said...

You belong to a union?! *lol*

Anonymous said...

Of course. I'm a professional.

Melissa Dalgleish said...

I didn't doubt that! What union?
I currently belong to two, and one is potentially going on strike, so I'm a bit unioned out at the moment...

Anonymous said...

American Federation of Musicians.