Saturday, June 16, 2007

Craigslist comes to the rescue

craigslist toronto

Lovely story in The Star today, one that warms my heart (and apparently makes people cry.) A young couple, Amanda & Julie, came to Toronto from Philly to get married; this was their legal wedding, although their big celebration will be back in Philly, where same-sex marriage isn't legal. Their families didn't want to come (issues with same-sex marriage, apparently), and so they needed to find witnesses. And where do you find anything and everything? Craigslist, of course. They posted a want ad for two witnesses, and four kind people showed up. Amanda & Julie had a short and lovely ceremony, and all ended well. Love this kind of news story. You can check out the blog of one of the witnesses, Joey Devilla, here, and the Toronto Star article here.