Friday, September 21, 2007

Job Search Update #2

Well, things are looking up. Interestingly up.

Since my first interview, I've been applying to jobs like mad and waiting for posting deadlines to be over and interviewing to start. Two or three jobs that I would love have deadlines of this Sunday, so hopefully they'll start calling next week. However, one job, my ultimate job, has been posted since August 13th and because it didn't have a closing date, I applied last Friday. Well, what do you know, but the VP of the division that I would be working in emailed me yesterday to offer me an interview. Sweet! This job is as an editor with a major university scholarly press, one of the universities that I'm an alumna of, which would be....unbelievable. Just when I was getting down and thinking that I wouldn't find anything that I wanted to do.

If that wasn't enough, the phone rang this morning, and who was it but the other publishing house that I interviewed with last week. Apparently, they have another position (as I didn't want the one that they interviewed me for, and they didn't want me) that they would like to talk to me about. Score! To he that hath shall be given, all right. The position sounds rather interesting and it's an organization that I would love to work for. The one factor that requires some thinking is its location--it's in uptown Toronto/ lower North York, which would mean moving to Toronto. But after a little consideration and a talk with the hubby, I'm going to go ahead and meet with them. I would LOVE to move to Toronto, and I would be so unbelievably happy to be back in my own place and living with the hubby again. It's not what we had planned to do this year, but as you all know, I'm always up for change and taking advantage of opportunities that come up. So, I'm going to call and make an appointment to talk with the person who interviewed me again, and we'll see what happens.

While I don't have a job yet, and I don't know if I will when all of this interviewing/discussing is over, I'm feeling great. There are some amazing opportunities out there, and it seems like I'm being given a chance to take advantage of them. I'm certainly looking forward to being back at work, and while the job that I'm interviewing for on Thursday is one that I think I'd prefer, either one would be phenomenal. And it's always nice to walk into an interview with another opportunity in your pocket to use as a bargaining chip. Keep your fingers crossed for me!