Monday, March 03, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I love Mom & Dad's (it's cozy, and comfy, and they've got a home theatre system and cable), but I missed our little apartment. It was nice to come home from work tonight and sit on my loveseat and chill. One of these days, when the hubby and I actually get a digital camera, I'll take pics of the apartment and post them. It is rather cute, if I do say so myself, but not so cute as to be girly.

It was a good weekend, overall. Friday night was super chill; just lounged and watched HGTV and perused some cookbooks that the parentals newly acquired (Hayley picked up a a really good Mexican one I quite enjoyed). Mom & I hit up some requisite stores on Saturday (Winners, Michael's for wedding stuff, Superstore for Joe Fresh), and then lounged for the afternoon (she had a sinus infection, so she had a nap). Hayley and I went to see The Other Boleyn Girl on Saturday night while Dad went to see No Country for Old Men. The Other Boleyn Girl was definitely better as a book than it was as a film, but I still enjoyed it. And Jim Sturgess is adorable.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. After a family lunch out, we split up, Dad to go grocery shopping, and Mom, Hayl and I to hunt for bridesmaid/ mother-of-the-bride dresses. No luck, so it's back to the J.Crew website. It really is the best for dresses. That didn't take long, so Dad and I popped over to Chapter's where I picked up a couple of bargain section cookbooks (one by Anna Del Conte, who Nigella Lawson lauds as the best Italian foodwriter around. It does look pretty great.) We stopped by Nanny's on the way home, which was nice. My crazy grandmother was up until 5:00 am on Saturday night supervising the wrap party for the production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat that she was in. I can't pull that off at 25, nevertheless at 87! She's awesome. Back home for a dinner of Dad's magical chicken marsala (which I have posted the recipe for in the past. If you haven't tried making it yet, give it a go. It is fantastic), the girls settled in for a viewing of Becoming Jane, and the boys went downstairs to watch Beowulf. In Jeff's words "mmmm....animated breasteses." So mature.

Work is mad, but fun. Mad being the operative word. What's also mad is the waiting for my PhD application status to go from "Under Review" to "Decision Made." Hopefully by the end of the week, or early next week. I'll keep you posted. And that's life!