Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reasons why I'm stressed out

I'm having a bit of a harried week. Yes, I know that's it's only Tuesday, but it's the week before Reading Week, and anyone who is, was, or is going to be in university knows that this is generally a week from hell. Hence, the list of things that are making me turn into a basket case this week:

  • My thesis supervisor is an overachieving perfectionist, and as I have to keep up with him, I'm turning into a stress case about my thesis proposal, which is due on Thursday. The man is editing like eight books, probably writing another one, supervising two theses, teaching classes, and recently had his computer stolen. If I was him, I'd have no hair.
  • I have to finish marking 22 first year English papers by tomorrow afternoon. If you've never read a first year English paper, you are a lucky person. Some of them are great. Many of them are just confused.
  • Also have to read an entire novel (My Antonia, by Willa Cather) by tomorrow at 1:00. Haven't started.
  • I have a 15 minute/6 page presentation to deliver on Friday afternoon that's worth 20% of my mark for one of my grad seminars. Again, this is for another professor that I feel the need to impress, so I'm putting undue pressure on myself to make it outstanding. That said, me freaking myself out isn't helping any. On the other hand, the play that I'm doing the seminar on, The Tragedy of Mariam, is really cool.

That said, I really shouldn't be wasting time blogging. Sayonara, and see ya when vacation has begun and my blood pressure is a little lower!